Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Taking Control

Have you ever thought about how powerful control is?

Control - The situation of being under the regulation, domination, or command of another.

When we feel like we are in control, we feel safe and secure. Life is good when we are in control.  On the other hand, if we feel like something in our life is spinning out of control, we panic. Panic causes more loss of control and we start a downward spiraling loss of ourselves.  Sometimes that spiral is so fast we can't seem to stop it and other times it's a slow descend. We know it's happening, but it feels like there is no way to stop it.

There are lots of things we don't think we feel like we have control over. The weather, traffic, work, stupid people, etc. But guess what!  We have control over ALL those things. We have control of those things because we have control of ourselves.

No, we can't help whether it's sunny or cloudy, but we can control our reaction to it. We can't control what stupid people do, but we can choose whether or not we are going to let it piss us off.   By controlling yourself and how you react to things you are actually in control of everything!  Think about that for a minute.

I'll be the first one to tell you it's no easy feat to keep your emotions in check.  And I'm definitely NOT very good about controlling my reactions to things, but I'm learning. Slowly. It's not something that can be changed overnight, but it can be changed.  Start with little things.  Raining today?  Oh well!  It's sunny in my head and that's what matters!  Somebody snapped at you for no reason?  Who cares!  It's not your problem, it's theirs!  Really, it is. They are the one in a pissy mood about something. Don't take on their crap and let it ruin your day.  YOU are in control, not them!

I'm practicing this a lot at work, A LOT.  My job is full of procedures. Lots of stupid little procedures that make no sense to anyone with half a brain and have no significant impact on the outcome of my work. BUT!, they are procedures and they must be followed no matter how much time or money is wasted in the process. It used to really upset me.  This stuff got to me to the point I would be in tears.   And then I realized something. There isn't a damn thing I can do about how stupid this stuff is, but I can decide whether or not I'm going to end up in tears about it.  Now, I just laugh and roll my eyes. Laughing feels soooo much better than crying!

I hope this post will inspire you to pick one thing, no matter how insignificant it may seem, but one thing that controls you and go kick its ass!!!  Kick it hard!!!  Kick it so hard it won't want to come back. Ever!!!  Tell it to eff off mothereffer!!!  Whatever you need to do, DO IT!!!

You won't believe how good you will fell when YOU are in control of you instead of everything else being in control of you.

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