Monday, May 21, 2012

Just When I Thought We Were Getting Somewhere

The boy had another incident at school. This one was a bit more serious. He slapped a kid on the back. Slapped him so hard his teacher heard it and it left a perfect red hand mark. What a fantabulous way to start the last week of school - suspended. Again.

Suspension is the absolute worst punishment you can give a kid. It's more of a punishment on the parent than the kid.   As I was putting him to bed tonight he said "at least I'll have one day where no one asks me stupid questions".  Somehow, I've got to attempt to do work for my paying job and keep this child occupied while not letting him watch tv or play screen games. Who is REALLY being punished here?

Why did he hit the kid?  Because the kid said he was out in four square  and the kid wasn't even the Ace.  Something so stupid, but so typical. The kid wasn't following the rules. It wasn't fair. I know how he feels. How many times I have wished I could haul off and hit someone for not playing by the rules.

I feel so deflated.  We have had an amazing semester. The first semester that I haven't had 100 emails about what he has or hasn't done. The first semester we weren't at the psychiatrist every other week on a med adjustment.  The first semester the principal and his teacher had seen marked improvement.

I can't say I'm surprised though.  He's been struggling the last few weeks.  First it was field day.  He's worried he's not going to win a ribbon. Then it was excitement about going to grandma's house.  On the way to school today he even said something about being able to control himself. He's been trying to hard to keep himself together with all these emotions.  It was only a matter of time before he exploded.  Why didn't I listen?  Why didn't I give him a pep talk and some coping strategies.  Would it have made a difference?  Probably not.

This is how he feels - like dynamite ready to explode

We spent the afternoon running around to emergency appointments at the therapist and the psychiatrist. Just so he could go back to school on the last day. Field Day.   $395 in doctor and therapist bills. Just so he can go to school on field day.

I have always hated field day and I still do!  Even more than I knew I could.

Try telling this to my son!!!

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